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  • Writer's pictureDaryien Pauze

Pandemic Pals

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

I'm sure you are all so tired hearing about the pandemic, we're all living in this giant cluster of frustration and want life to go back to "normal," whatever the heck that is, and soon. I'm in my final year of Radio Broadcasting at Humber College and due to school being offered remotely online I moved back home and in with my parents. This is the first time I have lived back at home since my final year in Highschool, and its actually going surprising well (knocks on wood). It may have something to do with my parents respecting the fact that I am independent, or it could be that I have been keeping up with my daily dose of serotonin, either way it feels good to have a little slice of normality in my life with living back at home.

(Right before playing fetch... I had to put the ball behind the camera..)


Looking at how I've managed myself though this world crisis, it has definitely been an uphill battle. There are certainly days where I don't see the point of getting out of bed if I'm just gonna wind right back up there... but then I hear a bark. I look down at the foot of my bed and like clockwork there he is, my parents’ dog, Tug.

Growing up I have always been around dogs; our household feels empty without one. Almost two years ago my parents adopted a little German Sheppard fur ball, and he has made the perfect addition to the family. With my parents being essential workers, it’s just me and Tug at the house all day together. The day truly revolves around Tug, I mean sure I have school, but he doesn't really understand that.

I start my day around 9am, or try to at least, make myself a coffee and get bundled up to face the snow. Every dog has their favorite thing to do, whether its going on walks, eating whatever’s in their path or, in Tugs case, fetch. As soon as I pick up a ball something lights up inside him, his pupils expand and his becomes a one-track mind, the ball. We (or more like he) could play for hours and still want more. I didn't know a dog could be so picky, but my parents and I have learned that Tug only likes certain balls. To be exact the brand he likes, "Chuckit," will always be superior to the average Tennis ball. I've learned when you play fetch with your dog and you notice how much they’re enjoying themselves it’s because they’re able to show off their ingrained capabilities; he truly is the athlete of the family.

(Time for a short break and then back at the game!)


It’s funny how Tug thinks I’m doing him a favor when we go play but it's really the other way around. Having that reason to get up, go outside and get fresh air, is not something I had everyday living back in Toronto. There is so much in a day I wouldn't do if there wasn't a dog around. Like most of Generation Z adults I experience mental illness and by just having Tug around he reduces my stress, anxiety, depression, and eases loneliness; something we’re all a little too familiar with during this pandemic. I am honestly so grateful for this guy...even if he doesn't listen sometimes. If you have any kind of pet during this pandemic count yourself lucky, I’m sure your pet thinks so too, and if you've been thinking about adopting a new fur baby this is your sign! Make sure to check out your local pet shelters, because you can help them as much as they help you. Get yourself a Pandemic Pal.

(A successful day = a great nap)


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